No Regrets

My father-in-law just passed away. He was a great man. A man of few words. He spoke with his actions. He was a man who took up the slack. He loved God. He loved his wife. And he loved his family. In that order, as it should be. He lived a full life. He was ready to die. He had no regrets.

Too often we live our lives full of regrets. I wish I had done this. Gone here. Taken better care of my body. Said I love you more. Forgiven that person. Our emotional health affects our physical health more than we realize. Anger and bitterness will eat a person up on the inside and manifest as disease on the outside. Unresolved hurts from the past play havoc on the body. Stress, whether from current or past situations, drains the body. All these emotions weaken the immune system and open the door for disease and chronic illness.

I encourage you to take the time to heal your body emotionally. Let go of the past hurts and regrets. If your blood pressure rises every time you think of a particular thing, then you haven’t let it go. It doesn’t mean that you won’t remember, but that you will have peace with the situation. Pray, meditate, journal, talk with a counselor/therapist, forgive face to face, whatever it takes to bring healing and closure to your hurts.

You will be hurt at some point or another. We all make mistakes. Unforgiveness and bitterness do not hurt the person who wronged you. They only hurt the one carrying them. You cannot control what other people say or do. You can only control how you react.

My father-in-law was a simple man, but a wise man. I rest in the peace knowing that he is in a better place. He will be missed, but he left a great legacy.

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